Traditional Training SUCKS for Sport!
Why? …because you’re training your body to move unnaturally, and unless your sport IS weightlifting, that won’t help you much in sports....
Testing your progress
How do you test yourself and measure your progress? The only way to know (for sure) that what you’re doing is working, is to monitor your...
Do YOU do Fitness Classes?
I know some people don't like the gym. In fact, a lot of people HATE the gym (I think mainly because they've never really been shown how...
Why you should prioritize strength training
Whether your goal is to build muscle, lose fat (or both), maintain or build strength, stay healthy into old age or improve athletic...
Entertainment or Results?
You can get an insight into why you are where you are by looking at the ratio of the time you spend on entertainment, and the time you...

Most Common Mistakes Series - Focussing too much on workouts and not enough on NEAT
Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT) is the energy we burn through daily movement outside of your workouts. This accounts for both...
Most Common Mistakes - Unrealistic Expectations
When starting out on a fitness journey, it’s very common to look at what others have done and try to replicate it. That’s fine, but you...
Most Common Mistakes - Thinking you can BUY results!
As a Personal Trainer, this is a pet hate of mine, and I’m sure of many other Trainers too. A lot of people hire a Coach/Trainer and...
Most Common Mistakes - Thinking of exercise as a chore
Let me put this straight right from the start: Exercise is a pleasure. It feels good to move, you feel better after you’ve moved, and if...
Most Common Mistakes - Focussing on what NOT to do/eat, instead of what you SHOULD do/eat
This is a hugely common mistake. Many people, when embarking on a new fitness journey, start by eliminating this or that (predominantly...